ppppuuurrrfffeecctt app
This app is a religious experience. No drugz required. As good as aural sects @-;
BUT... Backing up your own patterns might be a problem... There is no way to BU file info, except by trusting the .ipa file (in the iTunes MOBILE APPLICATION .ipa file). The .ipa stays at 17.5MB ALWAYS, so it is not saving. If anyone knows about backing-up solutions, then post it here or email me (see below). I already posted a forum comment at KORG forum. No one answered. Further, the Korg hardware version -- "Kaossilator 2" -- can transfer file data to the iKaossilator, but not the other way around: " Loop recorder data created with a Kaossilator 2 can be imported into iKaossilator, or an audio loop created in iKaossilator can be loaded into a loop recording bank of the Kaossilator 2." THEREFORE, I think if you reset your iPod/iPad/iPhone, then you will lose YOUR inputted pattern data. Although the online manual cryptically promises, "IMPORTANT FOR PC USERS : Please do not delete “.ikaoss.d” folder in iTunes. Your custom loop data will be deleted," this .ipa file has not changed -- even though my iPads itunes APP profile page states the file has steadily grown larger, as I input more pattern data in the iPad. iTunes APP page states my iKaossilator file is over 25MB! But the back-up .ipa file on my PC states the never-changing 17.5MB. Anyone got any ideas? Korg does not have a good customer support option for us iTunes "i-Series" customers. boo hoo. ian_f_armstrong -- at --- yahoo.ca
Theism = imagination about
KORG iKaossilator, v2.1.0